Nyhet Forum updated

Thanks to everyone for the patience while our forum has been offline for a few days! :)

We have spent several hours adding new features to make this forum a better place. But we are always open for more suggestions, so if you came up with a great idea do not hesitate to tell us about it under Suggestions. If you run into any issue, create a Support ticket and let us know about it.

Here are some updates

  • Forum​

    Our forum has been updated to the newest version. You will notice that many new features came with this update.

  • Groups

    You can now join groups and create your own groups.
    Create an awesome closed group and invite your friends, or allow everyone to join the group (Public groups).

  • Shop

    Our shop has been updated.
    Instead of a Store in a standalone page we decided to move everything to the Account upgrades page.
    It is now easier to see when your upgrade(s) expires and what you get from your upgrade(s).

  • Credits

    We have a new credit system and we will make it possible to earn credits if you are active on our forum.
    We will publish more information regarding this system in a Knowledge base.
    Use your credits to purchase items in our Shop or donate credits to your friends.
  • Gilla
Reaktioner: Titan